entryaandhallway jpg

10 Ways to Enhance Your Entryway

You only get one chance to make a good first impression, which is why the entryway of your home should not be neglected as you decorate. Entryways serve all sorts of purposes. Some homes have an entire open space complete with a beautiful winding staircase. Others, like mine, only have a teeny-tiny space past the […]

house decor and pets

The Do’s and Dont’s of Decorating with a Pet

Just because you love your pet(s) doesn’t mean you have to compromise your sense of decorating style in order to accommodate them. Here are some simple do’s and don’ts that will make you and your four-legged friend(s) comfortable and content. Do: Choose tough fabrics.  Fabrics such as leather, microfiber, cotton, and cotton blends are all […]

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