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5 Secrets for Decorating A Kid’s Room Fit for All Ages and Stages


It’s no secret that kids grow up fast–and at times, it feels almost impossible to keep up. While you can’t control every aspect of their growth, you can have a hand in designing a room that will easily transition each time they reach a new stage in life. Just as stages come and go, so do trends–and kids are notorious for changing their interests on a whim. While these ever-changing tastes can be fun, when it comes to decorating, they can be exhausting, not to mention expensive. Here we’ll cover some ways you can keep their room flexible for growth without taking away their self-expression.

Invest in Timeless Furniture

There’s no simple way of putting this: baby stores suck you in. Just walk into a store like Babies R Us and you’ll find yourself oohing and aahing over all the baby-sized furniture. There’s no denying that it’s cute, but most of what they carry lacks a very important thing: longevity. Instead of getting something specifically designed for a nursery, opt for a piece that can be used for several years to come. For example, skip the child-sized dresser and buy one that can carry them at least into their teen, if not young adult, years. If your child is moving into a twin bed, consider a double bed instead, if there’s room. Not only will it give your child more room, it will accommodate more sleeping arrangements for visiting guests.

When Possible, Choose Multifunctional Furniture

Multifunctional furniture can be your friend–especially if you have young children. Instead of a standard changing table, consider putting a changing pad on top of a desk or dresser. Once they’re out of diapers, they have a ready-made workspace or a place with ample clothes storage. If you’re bed shopping, consider one that comes with built-in storage underneath. This will come in handy for toys, books, clothes, or anything else that threatens to take up much-needed space within the room.

Go Neutral With Items that Cost More

There are certain areas that need to withstand the test of time–no matter what part of the house you’re decorating. Floor coverings, furniture, and paint colors are three biggies to focus on. While there’s nothing wrong with color, tread carefully. If you’re incorporating color based on a trend, you may consider it a mistake sooner than you’d like. If your child claims a particular color as their favorite, that’s great–just opt for a subdued version of it if it verges on too bold or bright.

Use Accessories for Self-Expression

This is a child’s room, so it’s highly important that it looks as though a child inhabits the space. An easy way to do this is with accessories. This is where their personality can really shine through. Rugs, throw pillows, knickknacks, wall art–this is their time to express who they are. Accessories are a much easier, and less expensive way, to keep up with their ever-changing interests.

Get Your Child Involved

Your child will be in this space for a very long time, so it’s critical that he or she feel completely at home in the space. Ask for their input and assure them that their opinion is valued–even when it comes to other areas of the house (within reason, of course). The more they are involved, the more likely they are to care for their room throughout the years. Keep an open mind but remind them that big changes aren’t necessarily in the budget. Hopefully, these tips will help save your family time, money, and frustration, so you can have a lot more fun.


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