Relaxing home decor create zen place in your home

5 Decorating Tips for a Stress-Free Home: Relaxing Home Decor

We live in a world full of demands, getting tugged each and every way by both the professional and personal aspects of our lives.  Unfortunately, this often results in a lot of stress— so much in fact, that the American Psychological Association says chronic stress is becoming a public health crisis right here in our country. 

Because of this, it’s important to have now, more than ever, a place where we can truly decompress from the stresses life brings. And while that place should be our home, our homes don’t always embody the essence of relaxation— but with some strategic decorating and relaxing home decor, we can make it a place that gives us the opportunity to slow down and recharge. Below are 5 tips to get you started. 


1. Create space. 

Literal space, and even the illusion of space, can be achieved in several different ways. One way is to ditch unnecessary clutter, especially if the stuff you have makes you feel anxious. Another is to rearrange the furniture in a way that allows for free movement. Another yet is to use colors that make the rooms in your home feel more spacious. Figure out what works best for you and then make some simple changes. 

2. Illuminate partially, not entirely.

Bright overhead lighting can make it really hard to unwind at the end of the day, so aim to scatter lighting in some areas, not all. Stick with lamps or spotlighting in areas where you need brightness, such as next to the sofa where you read. For overhead lights, install a dimmer that will allow you to adjust the lighting as needed. Also, consider switching to bulbs that mimic natural light, which will create a more soothing atmosphere. 

3.  Simplify your color scheme. 

Color has so much influence over our moods— bright colors boost us up, while soft colors provide a sense of calm. When it comes to color and relaxing home decor, the goal isn’t to remove colors, but rather limit them. Bold colors are perfectly acceptable, but too many could have the eye struggling to find a place to rest. Instead, make your color choices count, showcasing them sparingly among a more neutral backdrop. Shop here for custom pillows that will make a soothing statement in your home

4. Bring the outdoors in. 

Most of us naturally feel a sense of peace when we’re in nature— so it only makes sense we can mimic that feeling by incorporating natural elements into our home. Focus on natural elements such as stone, wood, and other items that are earth-toned in color. Houseplants and silk flower arrangements are another great element of relaxing home decor to bring into your home if you want to increase the soothing vibe. 

5. Layer in textiles. 

The Danes are onto something big with their love of hygge (coziness)— and honestly, it’s a lifestyle we could stand to embrace. One way to embrace it and elevate that comfort level, at least a little bit, in our home is to layer in a variety of textiles that make us want to curl up and chill out. From rugs to throws to pillows, textiles that visually draw you in are a great way to soothe the soul and a wonderful way to add to your relaxing home decor. 

Ready to make your home a more relaxing space? Let us help. Stop by our showroom near Katy, TX or browse online to see our wide selection of fabrics and accessories. You’re sure to find something that will make you want to slow down and stress less. 

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