It seems like new trends surface almost every day— and even though keeping up with them can be exhausting, we can’t seem to help ourselves. Sure, new trends can be exciting, but they certainly aren’t all worth pouncing on, for several reasons. Let’s talk a little bit about why following the latest trends may not be what’s best for your home and what might work better.
Trends Expire
The thing about trends is just that: they’re trends. This often means that they won’t stay around for very long. The minute something new comes along, stores advertise their stock to draw you in. Keep in mind, however, that most trends are going to make an exit almost as quickly as they made their entrance. And just when you got your fix of that design style, it’ll be time to move onto the next one. So, as a general rule, that many trends have a very real expiration date.
Trends Lack Uniqueness
If it’s a unique style you seek, trends will not give you the result you desire. Look at it like this: when multiple people enjoy the same trend and decide to incorporate it into their home, it’s no longer unique. In fact, the complete opposite. What you have now is a cookie-cutter look with everything being the same. Why? Trends are very specific, which means they are limiting. This, of course, will hold back your home’s interior from shining as it should.
Keeping Up Is a Challenge
As mentioned earlier, trends come and go fairly quickly. What does that mean for you? It means that once you jump on that trend wagon, it’s highly likely you’ll be riding it for quite some time. After all, once one trend expires you’ll be off looking toward the next. Just think if a trend is over and done in a few years, everything from that trend that you’ve incorporated into your home is now out of style. Not only is this frustrating, but it can be very costly. Instead, focus on other ways you can create the home of your dreams.
What to Do Instead 
Now that you have a few solid reasons to proceed with caution regarding design and decorating trends, let’s talk about what you can do instead.
Find our Signature Style
Zeroing in on your preferred design style can be difficult— and in most cases, it’s trial and error. What you like initially might seem less appealing after some time has passed. Be sure to find design aspects that not only make you happy but also appear as though they’ll last for the long term. If you find yourself really struggling, consider hiring a professional to come into your home and help give some guidance.
Incorporate Timeless Pieces
The best way to enjoy your home’s interior for several years is to incorporate timeless pieces. Timeless pieces are pretty much the opposite of trendy. They will withstand the years while still remaining in style. You certainly don’t have to fill every area of your home with timeless pieces, but it is important that you incorporate just enough for a strong foundation.
Hire a Professional
When all else fails, bring in a professional. Interior designers and interior decorators are not the same, but they can both produce great results. With the help of a home designer, choose pieces that will last in your home for years to come.
When the time comes to incorporate some timeless touches, come see us. We have discount designer fabrics as well as accessories and custom-made furniture. With a wide selection of items that suit any design style, you’re sure to find something you love.