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8 Halloween Decorating Projects for Your Home

 Fall is here, which means that Halloween is quickly approaching. Have you given much thought to how you’ll decorate your home? While there are plenty of decorations available at pretty much every store in town, there’s no reason you can’t get creative and make your own decorations. Not only will it be something special that can be used for years to come, it’ll probably save you some money as well. Here are 8 great ideas that will get your house ready the holiday. We’ll take a look at the first 4 in detail and continue in part 2 with the remaining 4.

1)    Halloween Themed Wreaths

No front door is really complete for any season or holiday without something hanging on it. For Halloween, two easy wreath ideas are a candy corn wreath and a simple chevron wreath in orange, black and white. For the candy corn wreath, all you need is a foam wreath, a hot glue gun, a bag of candy corn and some black tape, ribbon, fabric or paper streamers. Wrap the foam with your covering of choice, glue the candy to the desired thickness (the front can have as many layers as you like), and then hang it up by using excess paper streamers, ribbon or fabric. For the chevron wreath, you can find the instructions by clicking here.

8 Halloween Decorating Projects for Your Home

2) Personalized Pumpkins

There’s nothing wrong with setting out pumpkins in their natural form, but if you’re feeling creative, try giving them a personal touch. Paint them in fun colors you love, or just stick with traditional Halloween colors. Another idea would be to scrapbook paper (plain or designed) and cut out shapes like cats, witches, or even initials from your name, to stick to the front. With a little Mod Podge, any shape or picture can be affixed to a pumpkin to give it some extra personality.

3) Tabletop Dressing

Tablecloths, runners and placemats are all easy ways to bring in the holidays and seasons. If you are new to the world of DIY and aren’t sure where to begin, start with felt. Grab some black and orange felt and cut it to fit your table. If you prefer placemats over a runner cut the pieces into four equal sections. Take your scissors and cut out images such as circles, spiders, cats, pumpkins, etc out of one of the pieces, layer it on top of the solid, uncut piece and sew (or glue) the edges together. Voila, you have something decorative and handmade for your table! Halloween themed fabric is also great for these items as well. You can always check out Pinterest for ideas, but you can also click here for detailed instructions for a tablecloth.

4) Wall Art

It can be challenging to find the perfect piece of holiday artwork to fit your style, so why not make your own? Throughout the year, take time to print out holiday-themed pictures you love and place them inside shadowboxes or frames. Arrange them artfully on the wall or mantle to create a focal point. Signs are also easy to make. Check out this great idea for a trick or treat sign.

Check out the next 4 tips in Part II of 8 Halloween Decorating Projects for Your Home!

Understanding Eclectic Design Style
8 Halloween Decorating Projects for Your Home, Part II
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