Reupholstering Chairs Cushions Scottsdale AZ jpg

7 Steps to Reupholstering Chairs & Cushions

General wear and tear is bound to happen on furniture–especially on items that are located in high-traffic areas of your home. When this happens to pieces like chairs, many people consider pitching them to the curb. This, however, isn’t always the best solution. In many cases, something simple like a chair can be revived with […]

entryaandhallway jpg

10 Ways to Enhance Your Entryway

You only get one chance to make a good first impression, which is why the entryway of your home should not be neglected as you decorate. Entryways serve all sorts of purposes. Some homes have an entire open space complete with a beautiful winding staircase. Others, like mine, only have a teeny-tiny space past the […]

decorate for spring

Decorate for Spring with Floral Fabrics

If there’s one thing that embodies spring, it’s flowers. Not only are flowers beautiful and versatile, they create positive and happy feelings. In addition to that, flowers are always in style, making them ideal when it comes to decorating your home for spring–or any other season for that matter. If you’re looking for an easy […]

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